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irc.freenode.net #gentoo-cn log: 2009-12-11
[00:56:58] gentoo: r0bertz * gentoo/xml/htdocs/main/zh_cn/name-logo.xml: [zh_cn] removed draft label from name-logo.xml
[01:17:22] good .... I just installed dropbox under gentoo ! ....
[01:17:23] haha
SQL Server select th
irc.freenode.net #gentoo-cn log: 2009-12-10
[09:46:59] 对不起。。。谁可以帮助我?
[10:06:27] mingdao, 试过lxterminal吗?
[10:11:18] druggo: 以前没有。
[10:11:36] 现在用。
[10:12:06] 对不起。他的字可以。
[10:12:45] 他用Monospace.什么是比Monospace好?
[10:17:34] mingdao, 菜单里可以设置的
[10:21:11] druggo: 我知道。你用lxterminal吗?
[10:21:42] mingdao, 是啊
[10:22:42] 你用什么font?
[10:24:50] mingdao, terminus
[10:25:20] druggo: terminus ... scim quit working
[10:25:35] terminus has the same problems in lxterminal as it does in urxvt ... for m
[10:25:35] me
[10:26:41] mingdao, have no idea :( I don't use scim
[10:30:53] 各位好,用了openrc后时区出问题了,显示的时间不对,除了/etc/conf.d/hwclock和/etc/timezone之外还有别的什么需要配置的吗?
[10:30:57] 谢谢
[10:32:16] druggo: I could show you it's not SCIM by using Ibus, but seems it wouldn't matter.
[10:32:29] font setup in Gentoo is a mess
[10:33:32] SCIM as regards the files ... http://omploader.org/vMnlqNw http://omploader.org/vMnlqOA
[10:33:42] One is monospace, the other terminus.
[10:34:04] druggo: you use ibus?
[10:34:12] again
[10:34:22] mingdao, no, i use fcitx
[10:34:49] I seem to vaguely remember your forum post now ...
[10:35:17] which version are you using?
[10:35:37] they're all masked ... if I try it, I'd like to at least try the same one someone else uses ;)
[10:37:06] I have had problems with SCIM in Gentoo, and also in Slackware.
[10:38:02] So I am emerging fcitx-3.6.2
[10:41:01] druggo: Are these instructions correct according to your experience? http://dpaste.com/131489/
[10:43:47] mingdao,just unmask it, config is ok
[10:44:58] druggo: I have already emerged on two comps.
[10:45:15] There is no start command required, as with scim and ibus?
[10:46:12] i.e., SCIM requires LANG='en_US.UTF-8' scim -d in ~/.xinitrc
[10:46:47] mingdao, use "fcitx -d"
[10:48:25] mingdao, and put other stuff in /etc/env.d/99local http://dpaste.com/131490/ then issue env-update && source /etc/profile
[10:48:34] druggo: thanks for your help
[10:48:46] So today I change what I used for years.
[10:49:00] From urxvt to lxterminal; scim to fcitx.
[10:49:05] I just want it to work.
[10:49:09] mingdao, :)
[10:49:25] How do you know there is activity in unfocused tabs in lxterminal?
[10:49:58] mingdao, alt + 1,2 ....
[10:51:25] druggo: That changes tabs.
[10:51:55] druggo: In urxvt there are numbers and pipes at the top. | 1 | 2 | 3 |
[10:52:48] druggo: When there is activity in a tab, asterisks appear like this: | 1 |*2*| 3 |
[10:52:56] druggo: So you know tab 2 has activity.
[10:53:15] mingdao, i know that :) but i not sure that lxterminal has the samething
[10:53:34] druggo: Okay. Is open source. If it does not, I must code. :)
[10:53:42] druggo: Thank you!
[10:53:50] druggo: You use bluetooth mouse?
[10:53:52] ;)
[10:54:09] mingdao, only usb :)
[10:54:40] druggo: Okay. I fixed this problem in Slackware; I can fix it in Gentoo.
[10:54:55] druggo: Later ... it is cold in Dali today. Must take hot shower. :=)
[10:56:00] mingdao, cold too, but office is hot, see u
[11:10:52] All cold here.
[11:10:57] Brick and mortar.
[11:10:59] Office in house.
[11:11:13] druggo: outside is warmer ;)
[11:12:56] mingdao, -_-#
[11:21:08] druggo: 我汉子怎么样?
[11:32:30] mingdao, 很好
[11:32:39] mingdao, 已经用上fcitx了?
[11:52:51] druggo: 还用scim
[11:52:59] lxterminal
[13:12:35] mingdao, :)
[13:28:00] 是哪个命令可以可以动态输出一个命令的输出结果?以前用过我现在忘了...
[14:02:56] 有什么办法可以知道某命令的man page文件位置
[14:06:16] omfg 我傻X了,qlist $1 | grep man/ 即可
[14:07:23] @@
[15:10:29] Hi! 我安装了gnome-light,发现没有音量控制按钮,然后我就又装了gnome-media,发现还没有,该怎么办呢?
[15:31:10] SimonXu, USE="gstreamer" emerge -av gnome-base/gnome-applets
[15:31:50] druggo: 我是不是还需要安装alsa-utils啊?
[15:32:17] SimonXu, 随便你自己了,建议安装
[16:34:42] Hi! 我的gnome非常慢非常慢,在/etc/X11下没有xorg.conf,Xorg.log.0中有三行错误,failed to load "i810", "vesa" and "fbdev" modules (module does not exist)。 请指教!
[16:51:34] SimonXu, 那三行无所谓的,慢可能是你显卡未正确驱动,你是什么显卡?
[16:51:55] druggo: intel 82865G
[16:52:24] 我刚才用X -configure生成了一个配置文件,现在好了
[16:53:27] druggo: 现在的问题是运行/usr/bin/gnome-volume-control总是说没有找到音量控制插件和/或设备,是什么问题啊?(已经可以在线听歌了)
[16:55:52] SimonXu, 不太清楚,我一般只用小喇叭图标调音量,不然就是alsamixer
[16:56:12] druggo: 那个小喇叭我也没法添加
[16:56:48] SimonXu, USE="gstreamer" emerge -av gnome-base/gnome-applets
[17:01:14] druggo: 为什么一定要USE=gstreamer呢?
[17:04:48] SimonXu, 没它就没小喇叭
[17:13:10] druggo: 你是什���显卡? terminus shows 3 squares
[17:13:34] so does all fonts I try ... even SimSun
[17:14:47] mingdao, intel q965
[17:15:06] strange
[17:16:00] I also could not switch to fcitx ... I had huge downloads using aria2c and had to wait to restart X.
[17:16:47] They finished so now I can try other things.
[17:19:05] mingdao, huge ? I always download them in screen
[17:20:42] 帮帮我吧,我的gnome启动一会就会非常非常慢,X的cpu占用能到100%
[17:29:09] SimonXu, 运行 glxinfo |grep rend 结果是什么?
[17:30:54] druggo: 我没有glxinfo,要装哪个包?
[17:33:45] SimonXu, mesa-progs
[17:36:57] druggo: direct rendering : Yes
[17:37:12] OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
[17:38:40] SimonXu, ls -l /dev/dri/card0
[17:39:43] crw-rw---- 1 root video 226, 0 12 11 2009 /dev/dri/card0
[17:39:52] druggo: crw-rw---- 1 root video 226, 0 12 11 2009 /dev/dri/card0
[17:40:51] SimonXu, 你的用户加入video组没有?加入然后重新登录应该就可以了
[17:41:36] druggo: 没加入,是因为这个吗
[17:57:13] SimonXu: I was downloading on this box.
[18:00:51] That doesn't matter, though.
[18:01:04] fcitx does not activate with ctrl+space
irc.freenode.net #gentoo-cn log: 2009-12-09
[12:52:06] 谁能救救我
[12:52:46] ICH9的主板 可以安装吗
[13:33:50] 有C選手沒?我碰到個奇怪的問題,做初始化 char *bbb="dddd"; 怎麼會報出無法訪問內存的錯誤??Cannot access memory at address 0xaa8720c
[13:47:42] 小蔡。。。最近怎么样?
[14:01:46] mingdao: install gentoo in desktop .. but .....
[14:01:54] mingdao: a little problem
Wine developement re
irc.freenode.net #gentoo-cn log: 2009-12-08
[06:53:06] mingdao: Results for linuxqq: 1. Classic: http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Agentoo.org+linuxqq&hl=en | 2. Privacy: http://m.google.com/static/en/privacy.html
[06:53:24] ? linux-qq
[06:53:25] mingdao: Results for linux-qq: 1. Gentoo Bug 163155 - net-im/gaim-2.0.0_beta6 crashes with QQ: http://bugs.gentoo.org/163155 | 2. Gentoo Linux Documentation -- Pidgin: Multiple vulnerabilities: http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200905-07.xml | 3. Gentoo Linux -- List Archives: http://archives.gentoo.org/stats/gentoo-admin-per-month.xml
[12:30:14] Why is there not a good guide for setting up SCIM and Chinese fonts?
[12:30:42] All the guides say different things.
[12:30:56] Where is the _one_ guide or HOW-TO which is truly correct?
[12:45:47] mingdao, do you have wqy-zenhei or wqy-bitmapfont installed ? then save this file http://dpaste.com/130612/ as ~/.fonts.conf and restart x
[14:01:33] druggo: 谢谢。。。我试一试。
[14:04:00] 我有wqy-bitmapfont和wqy-zenhei。
[14:04:16] druggo: Where to put "scim -d &" ?
[14:08:45] mingdao, 你是startx启动还是用xdm?
[14:09:34] startx 用Fluxbox
[14:10:18] I feel like a kid.
[14:10:27] I used Slackware for 6+ years.
[14:11:10] One of the Slackware devels and I got CJK support working in Slackware.
[14:11:18] Now Gentoo does not do things the same.
[14:12:19] mingdao, you should put scim -d in your ~/.xinitrc
[14:13:44] druggo: okay, it's there ... let me go see what fonts look like now
[14:15:05] SCIM didn't start.
[14:17:56] mingdao, sorry, i'm not familiar with scim, but how about your fonts ?
[14:18:32] These are my files: ~/.xinitrc = http://dpaste.com/130638/ ; ~/.Xdefaults = http://dpaste.com/130639/ ; ~/.fonts/.conf = http://dpaste.com/130640/ ; ~/.fluxbox/startup = http://dpaste.com/130641/ ; /etc/profile = http://dpaste.com/130642/
[14:18:55] When I started, rxvt-unicode launched with what looks like terminus.
[14:19:02] But ... SCIM didn't launch.
[14:19:20] That box is my laptop -- T61 ... over ssh. I walk to it to look.
[14:19:31] This post is from my desktop ... where fonts are not good.
[14:20:12] This is what this screen looks like: http://omploader.org/vMnh6Nw
[14:20:42] urxvt started via ~/.fluxbox/startup with urxvt -geometry 184x57 -fn "8x16bold" -pe tabbed -bg black -fg white &
[14:21:06] Again, the screenshot is _not_ the box where those files came from. That's just a screenshot.
[14:21:28] I _like_ English with this bitmap font ... but Hanzi are different sizes, and some fat, some thin.
[14:21:37] But I wanted to _first_ get C
[14:21:40] ooops
[14:22:00] get SCIM (or ibus or whatever) and fonts working well on the T61.
[14:22:22] Then I will transfer that knowledge to this box, and the other boxen on this LAN which are getting converted to Gentoo.
[14:22:34] This problem is just about a show stopper.
[14:22:38] I must use Hanzi daily.
[14:22:58] I just finished a book project that has over 31,000 lines of text in Hanzi.
[14:23:05] I had to use Slackware to do the work. :(
[14:27:30] mingdao, maybe you have some USE flag that Chinese related missing in the make.conf ? like these: cjk nls truetype
[14:30:07] "mmx sse sse2 ssse3 3dnow X scim unicode nls cjk aac acpi alsa ao atm audiofile bash-completion bluetooth bzip2 cairo cdparanoia cdr cracklib crypt css cups curl curlwrappers cxx directfb dri dvd dvdr encode exif expat fbcon ffmpeg firefox flac fontconfig foomaticdb ftp gd gdbm ggi gif gimp glut gnutls gpm gzip gtk hddtemp iconv icq icu idn ieee1394 imagemagick imlib jabber jbig jpeg jpeg2k lame lcms libnotify lm_sensors mad mime mmap mp3 mp4 mpe
[14:30:15] I have those three, and then some. ;)
[14:30:25] also unicode, scim ...
[14:31:48] This is my /etc/make.conf on the T61: http://dpaste.com/130645/
[14:32:42] mingdao, check locale by issue: locale -a |grep zh_CN
[14:35:17] http://dpaste.com/130648/
[14:38:39] mingdao, it's ok, I'm confused, for scim startup, you should place the line before exec $WM
[14:39:24] 好的。我试一试。
[14:45:19] mingdao, and the fontconfig filename is ~/.fonts.conf not .fonts/.conf
[14:45:38] http://omploader.org/vMnh6ZQ
[14:46:07] SCIM launched ... fonts still not good, such as 这 。。。太小
[14:46:27] I will change that .fonts/.conf to ~/.fonts.conf
[14:52:18] Fonts look very bad now.
[14:57:37] mingdao, you mean english font or chinese font?
[14:58:32] Both now.
[14:58:38] Have the anti-alias problem.
[14:58:57] Still have words such as 这 are very small.
[14:59:13] And Fluxbox takes too long to start.
[14:59:42] I try wqy-zenhei in ~/.Xdefaults ... looks bad, too.
[15:00:05] mingdao, ok, drop ~/.fonts.conf
[15:05:42] 我 mv .fonts.conf .fonts.conf~ 。看看 http://omploader.org/vMnh6aQ
[15:07:10] 对不起、我有事。以后回来。
[15:07:18] mingdao, try another terminal , I recommend lxterminal
[15:07:31] Does it use tabs?
[15:07:39] I must have a terminal with tabs ...
[15:08:08] mingdao, I remember it has tabs
[15:08:26] Okay, I will "emerge lxterminal"
[15:08:41] 你们用什么 terminal?
[15:08:50] And do you see anything wrong with my other files?
[15:09:18] 我回来的时候,试一试 lxterminal.
[15:09:40] If you don't hate gnome that much, I suggest gnome-terminla
[15:10:26] I like tabs~
[15:11:20] I don't like Gnome ...
[15:11:38] Or KDE ... or LXDE ... or any DE ;)
[15:13:07] I must go ... when I come back, I will try lxterminal. I just want Hanzi to look nice.
[15:13:24] My Chinese friend said use SimSun in Firefox; use Terminus in terminal.
[15:13:32] But he uses KDE ... and Konsole.
[15:13:39] whatever, it's ur taste, gentoo is all about choice
[15:14:11] Simsun is good choice, have to say
[15:15:14] I need something to use in termina.
[15:15:16] terminal
[15:15:19] I use vim a lot.
[15:15:39] Just finished working on Chinese document with over 31,000 lines.
[15:15:53] Must have good Chinese fonts in terminal ... and must have tabs.
[15:16:07] later ... 感谢你们
[15:55:33] ...
[17:27:42] join #fedora-cn
[22:00:17] gentoo上怎么用as86呢?
World of Padman - X-
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irc.freenode.net #gentoo-cn log: 2009-12-07
[15:26:15] join #ubuntu-cn
[15:59:26] wenquan: 我有两台电脑用2.6.32
[15:59:42] SCIM quit working ...
[16:02:01] 我没有问题
[16:03:41] 我用鼠标键盘的时候闪的特别厉害,我显卡芯片是intel的
[16:06:41] wenquan: 我显卡芯片是nvidia的
[16:29:48] emerge wgetpaste
[16:31:17] wenquan: 你看 http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=295777
[16:35:01] emerge --qqq | wgetpaste
[16:38:02] emerge --info |wgetpaste
[16:38:28] emerge
[16:40:06] mingdao: 多谢
[16:42:39] screen with artifacts,这是什么意思?
[16:54:09] SCIM quit working ...
[16:54:18] damnit shenme shuo?!?!?!?!
[16:55:20] wenquan: 显卡错误,比如文本或者图形混乱,鼠标指针跳跃等等
[16:55:34] My Chinese friend translated for me.
[16:57:33] mingdao: 谢谢,那正和我遇到的问题一样,等开发人员修复了,继续用31内核
[17:11:51] 不用谢
[17:18:48] wenquan: http://omploader.org/vMnhucA
[17:18:52] d8
[17:19:21] SCIM quit working ... again!
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MS Office 2010 Box Art Revealed Posted: 06 Dec 2009 07:49 AM PST A polish website, CentrumXP, has revealed some pics of Microsoft Office 2010, which is to be published on June, 2010: PicsOrange theme looks strange… Wise to have Outlook in home edition… Umm..I feel fine with OpenOffice and Gnumeric and TexLive or even my wiki, though… |
Posted: 06 Dec 2009 07:12 AM PST Google has set-up DNS Resolving Service couple days before. I used for days and it is great! .or. This shall be an impact to another DNS provider, OpenDNS, since they earns alot from those Ads in their unknown-host page. .or. Fellow Gentooers. Code snippet in my /etc/conf.d/net (DSL by PPPoE, change to meet your device) dns_servers_ppp0="" |
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MS Office 2010 Box Art Revealed Posted: 06 Dec 2009 07:49 AM PST A polish website, CentrumXP, has revealed some pics of Microsoft Office 2010, which is to be published on June, 2010: PicsOrange theme looks strange… Wise to have Outlook in home edition… Umm..I feel fine with OpenOffice and Gnumeric and TexLive or even my wiki, though… |
Posted: 06 Dec 2009 07:12 AM PST Google has set-up DNS Resolving Service couple days before. I used for days and it is great! .or. This shall be an impact to another DNS provider, OpenDNS, since they earns alot from those Ads in their unknown-host page. .or. Fellow Gentooers. Code snippet in my /etc/conf.d/net (DSL by PPPoE, change to meet your device) dns_servers_ppp0="" |
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