[09:41:01] 我的 fonts 不好看了。http://omploader.org/vMnk4dw 什么人可以帮助我?
[09:46:59] 对不起。。。谁可以帮助我?
[10:06:27] mingdao, 试过lxterminal吗?
[10:11:18] druggo: 以前没有。
[10:11:36] 现在用。
[10:12:06] 对不起。他的字可以。
[10:12:45] 他用Monospace.什么是比Monospace好?
[10:17:34] mingdao, 菜单里可以设置的
[10:21:11] druggo: 我知道。你用lxterminal吗?
[10:21:42] mingdao, 是啊
[10:22:42] 你用什么font?
[10:24:50] mingdao, terminus
[10:25:20] druggo: terminus ... scim quit working
[10:25:35] terminus has the same problems in lxterminal as it does in urxvt ... for m
[10:25:35] me
[10:26:41] mingdao, have no idea :( I don't use scim
[10:30:53] 各位好,用了openrc后时区出问题了,显示的时间不对,除了/etc/conf.d/hwclock和/etc/timezone之外还有别的什么需要配置的吗?
[10:30:57] 谢谢
[10:32:16] druggo: I could show you it's not SCIM by using Ibus, but seems it wouldn't matter.
[10:32:29] font setup in Gentoo is a mess
[10:33:32] SCIM as regards the files ... http://omploader.org/vMnlqNw http://omploader.org/vMnlqOA
[10:33:42] One is monospace, the other terminus.
[10:34:04] druggo: you use ibus?
[10:34:12] again
[10:34:22] mingdao, no, i use fcitx
[10:34:49] I seem to vaguely remember your forum post now ...
[10:35:17] which version are you using?
[10:35:37] they're all masked ... if I try it, I'd like to at least try the same one someone else uses ;)
[10:37:06] I have had problems with SCIM in Gentoo, and also in Slackware.
[10:38:02] So I am emerging fcitx-3.6.2
[10:41:01] druggo: Are these instructions correct according to your experience? http://dpaste.com/131489/
[10:43:47] mingdao,just unmask it, config is ok
[10:44:58] druggo: I have already emerged on two comps.
[10:45:15] There is no start command required, as with scim and ibus?
[10:46:12] i.e., SCIM requires LANG='en_US.UTF-8' scim -d in ~/.xinitrc
[10:46:47] mingdao, use "fcitx -d"
[10:48:25] mingdao, and put other stuff in /etc/env.d/99local http://dpaste.com/131490/ then issue env-update && source /etc/profile
[10:48:34] druggo: thanks for your help
[10:48:46] So today I change what I used for years.
[10:49:00] From urxvt to lxterminal; scim to fcitx.
[10:49:05] I just want it to work.
[10:49:09] mingdao, :)
[10:49:25] How do you know there is activity in unfocused tabs in lxterminal?
[10:49:58] mingdao, alt + 1,2 ....
[10:51:25] druggo: That changes tabs.
[10:51:55] druggo: In urxvt there are numbers and pipes at the top. | 1 | 2 | 3 |
[10:52:48] druggo: When there is activity in a tab, asterisks appear like this: | 1 |*2*| 3 |
[10:52:56] druggo: So you know tab 2 has activity.
[10:53:15] mingdao, i know that :) but i not sure that lxterminal has the samething
[10:53:34] druggo: Okay. Is open source. If it does not, I must code. :)
[10:53:42] druggo: Thank you!
[10:53:50] druggo: You use bluetooth mouse?
[10:53:52] ;)
[10:54:09] mingdao, only usb :)
[10:54:40] druggo: Okay. I fixed this problem in Slackware; I can fix it in Gentoo.
[10:54:55] druggo: Later ... it is cold in Dali today. Must take hot shower. :=)
[10:56:00] mingdao, cold too, but office is hot, see u
[11:10:52] All cold here.
[11:10:57] Brick and mortar.
[11:10:59] Office in house.
[11:11:13] druggo: outside is warmer ;)
[11:12:56] mingdao, -_-#
[11:21:08] druggo: 我汉子怎么样?
[11:32:30] mingdao, 很好
[11:32:39] mingdao, 已经用上fcitx了?
[11:52:51] druggo: 还用scim
[11:52:59] lxterminal
[13:12:35] mingdao, :)
[13:28:00] 是哪个命令可以可以动态输出一个命令的输出结果?以前用过我现在忘了...
[14:02:56] 有什么办法可以知道某命令的man page文件位置
[14:06:16] omfg 我傻X了,qlist $1 | grep man/ 即可
[14:07:23] @@
[15:10:29] Hi! 我安装了gnome-light,发现没有音量控制按钮,然后我就又装了gnome-media,发现还没有,该怎么办呢?
[15:31:10] SimonXu, USE="gstreamer" emerge -av gnome-base/gnome-applets
[15:31:50] druggo: 我是不是还需要安装alsa-utils啊?
[15:32:17] SimonXu, 随便你自己了,建议安装
[16:34:42] Hi! 我的gnome非常慢非常慢,在/etc/X11下没有xorg.conf,Xorg.log.0中有三行错误,failed to load "i810", "vesa" and "fbdev" modules (module does not exist)。 请指教!
[16:51:34] SimonXu, 那三行无所谓的,慢可能是你显卡未正确驱动,你是什么显卡?
[16:51:55] druggo: intel 82865G
[16:52:24] 我刚才用X -configure生成了一个配置文件,现在好了
[16:53:27] druggo: 现在的问题是运行/usr/bin/gnome-volume-control总是说没有找到音量控制插件和/或设备,是什么问题啊?(已经可以在线听歌了)
[16:55:52] SimonXu, 不太清楚,我一般只用小喇叭图标调音量,不然就是alsamixer
[16:56:12] druggo: 那个小喇叭我也没法添加
[16:56:48] SimonXu, USE="gstreamer" emerge -av gnome-base/gnome-applets
[17:01:14] druggo: 为什么一定要USE=gstreamer呢?
[17:04:48] SimonXu, 没它就没小喇叭
[17:13:10] druggo: 你是什���显卡? terminus shows 3 squares
[17:13:34] so does all fonts I try ... even SimSun
[17:14:47] mingdao, intel q965
[17:15:06] strange
[17:16:00] I also could not switch to fcitx ... I had huge downloads using aria2c and had to wait to restart X.
[17:16:47] They finished so now I can try other things.
[17:19:05] mingdao, huge ? I always download them in screen
[17:20:42] 帮帮我吧,我的gnome启动一会就会非常非常慢,X的cpu占用能到100%
[17:29:09] SimonXu, 运行 glxinfo |grep rend 结果是什么?
[17:30:54] druggo: 我没有glxinfo,要装哪个包?
[17:33:45] SimonXu, mesa-progs
[17:36:57] druggo: direct rendering : Yes
[17:37:12] OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
[17:38:40] SimonXu, ls -l /dev/dri/card0
[17:39:43] crw-rw---- 1 root video 226, 0 12 11 2009 /dev/dri/card0
[17:39:52] druggo: crw-rw---- 1 root video 226, 0 12 11 2009 /dev/dri/card0
[17:40:51] SimonXu, 你的用户加入video组没有?加入然后重新登录应该就可以了
[17:41:36] druggo: 没加入,是因为这个吗
[17:57:13] SimonXu: I was downloading on this box.
[18:00:51] That doesn't matter, though.
[18:01:04] fcitx does not activate with ctrl+space
Rekomendasi Game Android Bahasa Indonesia
3 years ago
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