Install squid on windows

Suggested configure option on win32:
for squid 3.0
./configure --prefix=c:/squid --enable-win32-service \
for squid 2.7
./configure --prefix=c:/squid --disable-wccp --disable-wccpv2 \
--enable-win32-service --enable-default-hostsfile=none

Or just use the official binary.

The installation of squid on windows is fairly easy,
unpack the package, then:

to build the cache
C:\squid\sbin>squid -z
to run in cmd mode
to install as service:
C:\squid\sbin>squid -i

C:\squid is the default prefix shipped with the win32 binary.
For my self, I just need Squid configured for rsync proxy
acl SSL_ports port 443 563 873 # 873 - for rsync
acl Safe_ports port 873 # for rsync

That's it!


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