My RTCW Taunt script

I usually don't use these much in ET since in ET I just seek reckless fun.
Here are the RTCW bindings, can be tweaked into ET though.

set try1 "echo ^1**MEDIC!**; set trym vstr try2"
set try2 "vsay_team Medic;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trym "vstr try1"
bind DEL "vstr trym"

set try3 "echo ^1**NEED ^1AMMO!**; set tryam vstr try4"
set try4 "vsay_team NeedAmmo;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryam "vstr try3"
bind END "vstr tryam"

set try5 "echo ^1**NEED ^1BACKUP!**; set tryba vstr try6"
set try6 "vsay_team NeedBackup;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryba "vstr try5"
bind PGDN "vstr tryba"

set try7 "echo ^1**NEED ^1ENGINEER!**; set tryen vstr try8"
set try8 "vsay_team NeedEngineer;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryen "vstr try7"
bind INS "vstr tryen"

set try9 "echo ^1**DISARM ^1DYNAMITE!**; set trydd vstr try10"
set try10 "vsay_team DisarmDynamite;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trydd "vstr try9"
bind HOME "vstr trydd"

set try11 "echo ^1**LETS ^1GO!**; set trylg vstr try12"
set try12 "vsay_team LetsGo;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trylg "vstr try11"
bind PGUP "vstr trylg"

set tryxx "echo ^1**DEFEND ^1OBJECTIVES!**; set trydo vstr tryxy"
set tryxy "vsay_team DefendObjective;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trydo "vstr tryxx"
bind KP_ENTER "vstr trydo"


set try13 "echo ^5**INCOMING!**; set tryin vstr try14"
set try14 "vsay_team Incoming;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryin "vstr try13"
bind KP_5 "vstr tryin"

set try15 "echo ^5**PATH ^5CLEARED!**; set trypc vstr try16"
set try16 "vsay_team PathCleared;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trypc "vstr try15"
bind KP_PGUP "vstr trypc"

set try17 "echo ^5**ON ^5DEFENCE!**; set tryod vstr try18"
set try18 "vsay_team OnDefense;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryod "vstr try17"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "vstr tryod"

set try19 "echo ^5**ON ^5OFFENCE!**; set tryoo vstr try20"
set try20 "vsay_team OnOffense;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryoo "vstr try19"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "vstr tryoo"

set try21 "echo ^5**AFFIRMATIVE**; set trya vstr try22"
set try22 "vsay_team Affirmative;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trya "vstr try21"
bind KP_PLUS "vstr trya"

set try23 "echo ^5**NEGATIVE** ; set tryn vstr try24"
set try24 "vsay_team Negative;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryn "vstr try23"
bind KP_MINUS "vstr tryn"

set try25 "echo ^5**FOLLOW ^5ME!**; set tryfm vstr try26"
set try26 "vsay_team FollowMe;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryfm "vstr try25"
bind KP_SLASH "vstr tryfm"

set try27 "echo ^5**CLEAR ^5PATH!**; set trycp vstr try28"
set try28 "vsay_team ClearPath;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trycp "vstr try27"
bind KP_UPARROW "vstr trycp"

set try29 "echo ^5**ALL ^5CLEAR!**; set tryac vstr try30"
set try30 "vsay_team AllClear;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryac "vstr try29"
bind * "vstr tryac"

set try31 "echo ^5**FIRE ^5IN ^5THE ^5HOLE!**; set tryfith vstr try32"
set try32 "vsay_team FireInTheHole;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryfith "vstr try31"
bind KP_INS "vstr tryfith"

set try33 "echo ^5**TAKING ^5FIRE!**; set trytf vstr try34"
set try34 "vsay_team TakingFire;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trytf "vstr try33"
bind KP_PGDN "vstr trytf"

set try35 "echo ^5**HOLD ^5YOUR ^5FIRE**!; set tryhyf vstr try36"
set try36 "vsay_team HoldYourFire;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryhyf "vstr try35"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "vstr tryhyf"

set try37 "echo ^5**DYNAMITE ^5PLANTED!**; set trydp vstr try38"
set try38 "vsay_team DynamitePlanted;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trydp "vstr try37"
bind KP_HOME "vstr trydp"

set try39 "echo ^5**DYNAMITE ^5DEFUSED!**; set tryddf vstr try40"
set try40 "vsay_team DynamiteDefused;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set tryddf "vstr try39"
bind KP_END "vstr tryddf"

set try41 "echo ^5**SORRY!**; set trys vstr try42"
set try42 "vsay_team Sorry;wait;exec taunt.cfg"
set trys "vstr try41"
bind KP_DEL "vstr trys"

//--------------RESETTING TAUNTS------------------------------------
bind BACKSPACE "echo ^8COMBAT ^8TAUNTS; exec taunt.cfg"


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