No new post will be post on this site from now on.
Rekomendasi Game Android Bahasa Indonesia
3 years ago
No new post will be post on this site from now on.
#! /bin/sh
# Mediawiki2Dokuwiki Converter
# originally by Johannes Buchner <buchner.johannes [at]>
# changes by Frederik Tilkin: - uses sed instead of perl
# - resolved some bugs ('''''IMPORTANT!!!''''' becomes //**IMPORTANT!!!**//, // becomes <nowiki>//</nowiki> if it is not in a CODE block)
# - added functionality (multiple lines starting with a space become CODE blocks)
# Licence: GPL (
# First escape things that are already DokuWiki but not MediaWiki syntax
# // => <nowiki>//</nowiki> (only when it is NOT in a PREFORMATTED line, and when it is NOT in a LINK [] !)
# ** => <nowiki>**</nowiki (only when it is NOT in a PREFORMATTED line, NOR on the beginning of a line)
# surround preformatted blocks (lines starting with space) with <PRE> so that it's correctly converted to DokuWiki <CODE> blocks later on
# My personal need: Made it accept filename as bash variable and append .dokuwiki. Usage: MediaWikiTxt.txt
cat "$1" \
| sed -r -n '
#starts with a SPACE, so it is part of a code block, just print and do nothing
/^[ ]/ { p; d }
#else: replace ALL **... strings (not at beginning of line)
# also replace ALL //... strings
# change the ones that have been replaced in a link [] BACK to normal (do it twice in case [] ) [quick and dirty]
s/([\[][^\[]*)(<nowiki>)(\/\/+)(<\/nowiki>)([^\]]*)/\1\3\5/g ; s/([\[][^\[]*)(<nowiki>)(\/\/+)(<\/nowiki>)([^\]]*)/\1\3\5/g
' \
| sed -r -n '
# See also:
# This is pretty advanced sed syntax, so I ll try to explain as much as possible
# if line starts with a space, add it to the hold buffer
# we do this by 'branching' to :addtopre
/^ [ ]*[^ ][^ ]*/ b addtopre
# if line has only whitespace or is empty, the preformatted block is over, so we surround that with <pre>
# we do this by 'branching' to :outputpre
/^[ ]*$/ b outputpre
# if line starts with NO whitespace, the preformatted block is over, so we surround that with <pre>
/^[^ ].*$/ b outputpre
#else this is a normal line
#s/(.*)/NORMAL LINE: \1/g; p
# print the line
#delete the current pattern space (so new cycle is started -> jumps to top)
# this is a line that should be part of a CODE block
#add it to the hold buffer
#s/(.*)/ADDED LINE: \1/g; p
# if this is the last line of the file (end-of-file), empty this line and then output this last preformatted block
$ { s/.*//g
b outputpre
#delete the current pattern space (so new cycle is started -> jumps to top)
# this is where a paragraph is surrounded by <pre></pre>
#s/(.*)/END OF CODE LINE: \1/g; p
# HOLD buffer is exchanged with the pattern space
# IF not empty, surround with <PRE> and PRINT the pattern space
/(.+)/ {
# surround it with <pre>
# exchange pattern space and hold buffer again, pattern is now the current line (not part of the preformatted block) and PRINT this line
#delete the current pattern space
#and exchange this again with the hold buffer, so that the hold buffer is empty again
#delete the current pattern space (so new cycle is started -> jumps to top)
' \
> mediawiki0
# Headings
cat mediawiki0 \
| sed -r 's/^[ ]*=([^=])/<h1> \1/g' \
| sed -r 's/([^=])=[ ]*$/\1 <\/h1>/g' \
| sed -r 's/^[ ]*==([^=])/<h2> \1/g' \
| sed -r 's/([^=])==[ ]*$/\1 <\/h2>/g' \
| sed -r 's/^[ ]*===([^=])/<h3> \1/g' \
| sed -r 's/([^=])===[ ]*$/\1 <\/h3>/g' \
| sed -r 's/^[ ]*====([^=])/<h4> \1/g' \
| sed -r 's/([^=])====[ ]*$/\1 <\/h4>/g' \
| sed -r 's/^[ ]*=====([^=])/<h5> \1/g' \
| sed -r 's/([^=])=====[ ]*$/\1 <\/h5>/g' \
| sed -r 's/^[ ]*======([^=])/<h6> \1/g' \
| sed -r 's/([^=])======[ ]*$/\1 <\/h6>/g' \
> mediawiki1
cat mediawiki1 \
| sed -r 's/<\/?h1>/======/g' \
| sed -r 's/<\/?h2>/=====/g' \
| sed -r 's/<\/?h3>/====/g' \
| sed -r 's/<\/?h4>/===/g' \
| sed -r 's/<\/?h5>/==/g' \
| sed -r 's/<\/?h6>/=/g' \
> mediawiki2
# lists
cat mediawiki2 \
| sed -r 's/^[*#][*#][*#][*#]\*/ * /g' \
| sed -r 's/^[*#][*#][*#]\*/ * /g' \
| sed -r 's/^[*#][*#]\*/ * /g' \
| sed -r 's/^[*#]\*/ * /g' \
| sed -r 's/^\*/ * /g' \
| sed -r 's/^[*#][*#][*#][*#]#/ - /g' \
| sed -r 's/^[*#][*#][*#]#/ - /g' \
| sed -r 's/^[*#][*#]#/ - /g' \
| sed -r 's/^[*#]#/ - /g' \
| sed -r 's/^#/ - /g' \
> mediawiki3
#[url text] => [url|text]
cat mediawiki3 \
| sed -r 's/([^[]|^)(\[[^] ]*) ([^]]*\])([^]]|$)/\1\2|\3\4/g' \
> mediawiki4
#[link] => [[link]]
cat mediawiki4 \
| sed -r 's/([^[]|^)(\[[^]]*\])([^]]|$)/\1[\2]\3/g' \
> mediawiki5
# bold, italic
cat mediawiki5 \
| sed -r "s/'''''(.*)'''''/\/\/**\1**\/\//g" \
| sed -r "s/'''/**/g" \
| sed -r "s/''/\/\//g" \
> mediawiki6
# talks
cat mediawiki6 \
| sed -r "s/^[ ]*:/>/g" \
| sed -r "s/>:/>>/g" \
| sed -r "s/>>:/>>>/g" \
| sed -r "s/>>>:/>>>>/g" \
| sed -r "s/>>>>:/>>>>>/g" \
| sed -r "s/>>>>>:/>>>>>>/g" \
| sed -r "s/>>>>>>:/>>>>>>>/g" \
> mediawiki7
# code
cat mediawiki7 \
| sed -r "s/<code>/\'\'/g" \
| sed -r "s/<\/code>/\'\'/g" \
> mediawiki8
# pre
cat mediawiki8 \
| sed -r "s/<pre>/<code>/g" \
| sed -r "s/<\/pre>/<\/code>/g" \
> mediawiki9
# combined bold and italic
cat mediawiki9 \
| sed -r "s/\*\*\/\//\/\/\*\*/g"\
> mediawiki10
cat mediawiki10 > "$1".dokuwiki
copy picture.png + archive.rar share_rar_in_pic.png
cat picture.png archive.rar > share_rar_in_pic.png
alias dltorrent='screen /path/to/ --display_interval 5 --spew 1'
此外还有ncurse的 和wx的
### Handy Extract Program
extract () {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
*.rar) unrar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xvf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via >extract<" ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
wget -q -O - | grep title | sed -e "s/<[^>]*>//g" -e "s/°//g" | egrep "^[A-Z]"
find . -type d | sed -e "s/[^-][^\/]*\// |/g" -e "s/|\([^ ]\)/|-\1/"
Alias it and have fun!!